Sprinkler Irrigation
Roots sprinkler irrigation system carried water through a network of pipes under medium or high pressures and is sprayed like rain. Irrigation is given under controlled condition up to the root depth and it is possible to give the required quantity at required time. The saving of water is about 30 or 50 % and hence by introducing these method for closely spaced crop(high valve crops) more than 50% additional area are brought under irrigation. Sprinkler systems are available with aluminum pipe based are high density polyethylene based laterals. This system is available to meet different application rates and diameter coverage. We are manufacturing sprinkler pipes with Bis standard IS:14151 PT – 2:1999 CM/L : 6756388.

- Provide a reuse and flexible connection;
- Not leak at the joint under pressure;
- Automatically drain at the pressure;
- Be simple and easy to couple and uncouple; and
- Be light non corrosive, durable.
It is made of aluminum steel and cast steel and classified as ball and socket, ball only and spherical the locking device in the coupler may be coil spring, Hook, Latch or lamp.
A coupler can be plain or with a riser outlet provided for sprinkler connection. The common problems associated with a bolted coupler are leakage of water and the coupler slipping off the tube.
Sprinklers may rotate or remain fixed. Those that rotate can be adapted for a wide range of application rates and spacing’s. They are effective with pressure of about 10 to 70 m head at the sprinkler, pressure ranging from 16 to 40 m head are considered the most practical for most farmers.
Fixed head sprinklers are commonly used to irrigate small launs and gardens. Perforated lateral pipe lines are sometimes used us sprinklers. They require less pressure than rotating sprinklers. They release more water per unit of time than rotating sprinklers. thier use should be restricted to soils that have high intake rates.
Various factors affect sprinkler performance, such as wind, pressure nozzle, risers etc.

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